Vasiliy Kuksov

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Vasiliy Kuksov 31.05.1988

Kuksov Vasiliy Alekseevich 1988 g.r., FKU LIU-3 GUFSIN Rossii po Nizhegorodskoy oblasti, ul. Centralnaya d. 22, Krasnobakovskiy rayon, p. Prudy Nizhegorodskaya oblast 606707 Russia Venäjä

Was born in Serdobsk (Penza region). Studied at Agricultural academy. Worked as an constructing engineer in Penza. Volonteered in animal shelters. Since being a student interested in music: many times participated in autor’s song contest “Hoper”, member of “Academic” band, used to perform in Penza Philharmonia. Enjoys nature and hiking. Married to his girlfriend who he dated for 10 years three months before being arrested. On 19th of November 2017 was arrested during investigation of so-called “Network” case. During inquires was beaten-up.

You can send him a message online via RosUznik