Ilya Shakurskiy

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Anarchist Black Cross

Ilya Shakurskiy Birthday 10.04.1996

Ilya Aleksandrovich Shakurskiy 1996 g.r. FKU IK-17 UFSIN Rossii po Respublike Mordoviya ul. Lesnaya d. 3 Zubovo-Polyanskiy rayon, p. Ozernyi 431161 Respublika Mordoviya Russia

At the time of his arrest Ilya lived in Penza. He is a student of the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the Pedagogical Institute n.a. Belinsky of Penza State University. The environmental activist-ecologist,anti-fascist. At school, Shakursky gathered classmates and went with them to clean the river Moksha. He writes poems and prose. On October 19, 2017, the FSB officers detained him in frame of the investigation of the so-called “Network” case. Charged under Part 1 of Art. 205.4 of the Criminal Code of Russia (Organization of terrorist group).


During the investigation, Shakurskiy was tortured: beaten, tortured with electricity, hung upside down.

You can send him a message online via RosUznik