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Rivi 47: Rivi 47:
Lisätietoja / more information negasi [at] riseup [dot] net
Lisätietoja / more information negasi [at] riseup [dot] net
'''Urewera Four'''
Taame Iti and Te Rangikaiwhiria Kemara (aka Rangi) were sentenced to 2.5 years jail for illegal possession of firearms relating to so-called ‘para-military training camps’ in Te Urewera. The two other remaining defendants, Urs Signer and Emily Bailey, have been sentenced to 9 months home detention. All are well-known activists struggling for decolonisation. Emily, Urs and Rangi are anarchists involved in a wide variety of worker, environmental and social justice issues.
Taame Iti #84563, Waikeria Prison, Private Bag 2400, Te Awamutu 3840, New Zealand.
Te Rangikaiwhiria Kemara #80192504, Springhill Prison, Private bag 503, Huntly 3740, New Zealand.
Alternatively, email messages of solidarity to These will be printed out and sent to both of them.
'''Marco Camenisch'''
Marco Camenisch , PF 45, CH-5600 Lenzburg, Switzerland.
Feburary 2013: The request of Marco Camenisch for conditional release was rejected for the umpteenth time, and once again the denial was politically motivated. Marco has announced that he will write some thoughts on this.
In the late 1970s Marco Camenisch (b. 1952) was a militant of the popular movement against nuclear power stations. He was arrested in 1980 and subsequently got a 10 year prison sentence for attacks against the Swiss nuclear industry. Luckily, he was able to escape. In 1989 corporate media and Swiss secret services accused him of murdering a border police officer. Marco rejected these claims. In 1991 he was arrested again, this time in Italy, and convicted for acts of sabotage against the nuclear industry. In 2002 he was extradited to Switzerland and sentenced to an additional 18 years of prison based on a dubious murder charge (the border copper). Though afterwards, the Swiss Federal Supreme Court declared the sentence inadmissible. In 2007 it was reduced to 8 years. As late as 2018 they must release him. Marco describes himself as a green anarchist. He is a very active and sincere supporter of left and progressive social movements; also, he took part in numerous protests behind bars.
2/3 through his sentence, his parole hearing was refused when normally at 2/3 through a sentence parole hearings are had. You can write an email to the Zurich Office of Corrections and let them know what you think of them: or – there are fax machines too: +41 43 259 84 40 or +41 43 259 84 41
Diego Sebastián Petrissans & Leandro Sebastián Morel. Argentinian anarchists charged with arson attack to a big media company that profits from the oppression of Mapuche indigenous people. Check our blog for more info on their case.
Diego Sebastián: CPF Devoto, Modulo 2, Pabellon 5 , Bermudez 2651, Villa Devoto, C.P. 1417, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Leandro Sebastián Morel: Prision Regional del Norte U7, Avda Las Heras 1555, CP 3500, Resistencia(Chaco), Argentina.
'''Braulio Arturo Durán González'''
Braulio Arturo Durán González, Centro de Reinserción Social León, Guanajuato, Carretera Leon-Cueramaro Km 7.5, León Guanajuato, C.p. 36700, Mexico. Braulio Arturo Durán was arrested in September 2010 and is accused of involvement in a series of attacks against banks and other targets. He is awaiting sentencing. Braulio is vegan. Letters to Braulio can also be sent to:
'''Mario Antonio Lopez Fernández'''
Mario Antonio Lopez Fernández, Reclusorio Preventivo Sur, Classification and Observation Centre, Xochimilco, Mexico City. Or contact email to sent letters:
On the evening of Tuesday 26 June 2012, an explosion occured at an automatic payment office of the Federal Electricity Commission in Tlalpan. No one was injured or arrested. Roughly an hour later, at 00:40 am, Wednesday, Mario was reportedly injured after a loud explosion in the street happened. The scene was attended by paramedics that took him to hospital, under the guard of police who regard him as being responsible for both explosions. He has been a prisoner of the state of Mexico since. In a letter, Mario states his position remains the same: “I claim myself absolutely as an Anarchist and the only one responsible for my acts. For now, I’ll limit myself to thanking my comrades of affinity for their solidarity and to “denounce” just a few deeds of many within this deceitful process which all began the moment I claimed myself an Anarchist, of which I do not regret. Never apologetic!” See for solidarity website for Mario

Versio 18. huhtikuuta 2013 kello 23.35


Kulon Progon anti-autoritäärinen, itseorganisoitunut pienviljelijä kapina oli kestänyt neljä vuotta ennen kuin valtio onnistui sieppaamaan ensimmäisen kyläläisen. Vappupäivän aamuna 2011, kamppailun eskaloiduttua kansainväliseksi, tilanne kuitenkin muuttui. Yhdeksän poliisia ajoi kaivosyhtiön pilottiprojektin suunnalta Tukijon pientilalle. Poliisit ilmoittivat, että Kulon Progon tiedustelupoliisin päällikkö odotti Tukijoa autossa ja halusi vain jutella hänen kanssaan. Syyttömyyttään ja mielenkiinnosta Tukijo lähti kyttien kanssa autolle. Hänet siepattiin autoon, joka kiihdytti nopeasti pois paikalta.

Tukijon sieppaus rikkoi useita kyttien omia lakeja. Hänet tuomittiin lopulta syyskuussa 2011 kolmeksi vuodeksi vankeuteen korkea-arvoisen kaivosyhtiön työntekijän kidnappauksen suunnittelusta. Mitään kidnappausta ei koskaan edes tapahtunut. Väitetty uhri totesi itse, että Tukijo ei ole häntä kidnapannut, vaan päinvastoin hän oli kiitollinen Tujikolle tämän tarjoamasta avusta mellakoiden keskellä. Kytät ja ”oikeuslaitos” tekaisivat syytteet ja ajoivat tuomion läpi. Todellisena syynä vangitsemiseen oli varmasti Tujikon esimerkillisen rohkea julkinen esiintyminen kaivossuunnitelmia ja valtiota vastaan.

Tukijo, one of the peasant resistance fighters against iron sand mining in coastal Kulon Progo, Indonesia was tricked and abducted by police in a planned manner to meet the industrial interests, on Sunday, May 1st, 2011. He was accused of masterminding a kidnapping of one of the high-profile officer of the mining corporation. In fact, there was no kidnapping. The victim (officer) himself declared that he wasn't kidnapped by Tukijo. On the contrary, he felt that he must thank Tukijo as he was saved by Tukijo in the night of riots against the property of the mining corporation. Nevertheless, the state imprisoned Tukijo for 3 years in September 2011.

Postiosoite / postal address:

Rumah Tahanan
Kelas IIB Wates
Jalan Suparman Nomor 3 Wates
DaerahIstimewa Jogjakarta 55611

Tujikon vaimolle ja lapsille osoitetut raha-avustukset menevät perille Western Unionin välityksellä.

You can use Western Union to support Tukijo's family.

Lisätietoja / more information negasi [at] riseup [dot] net


Urewera Four Taame Iti and Te Rangikaiwhiria Kemara (aka Rangi) were sentenced to 2.5 years jail for illegal possession of firearms relating to so-called ‘para-military training camps’ in Te Urewera. The two other remaining defendants, Urs Signer and Emily Bailey, have been sentenced to 9 months home detention. All are well-known activists struggling for decolonisation. Emily, Urs and Rangi are anarchists involved in a wide variety of worker, environmental and social justice issues. Taame Iti #84563, Waikeria Prison, Private Bag 2400, Te Awamutu 3840, New Zealand. Te Rangikaiwhiria Kemara #80192504, Springhill Prison, Private bag 503, Huntly 3740, New Zealand. Alternatively, email messages of solidarity to These will be printed out and sent to both of them.


Marco Camenisch Marco Camenisch , PF 45, CH-5600 Lenzburg, Switzerland. Feburary 2013: The request of Marco Camenisch for conditional release was rejected for the umpteenth time, and once again the denial was politically motivated. Marco has announced that he will write some thoughts on this. In the late 1970s Marco Camenisch (b. 1952) was a militant of the popular movement against nuclear power stations. He was arrested in 1980 and subsequently got a 10 year prison sentence for attacks against the Swiss nuclear industry. Luckily, he was able to escape. In 1989 corporate media and Swiss secret services accused him of murdering a border police officer. Marco rejected these claims. In 1991 he was arrested again, this time in Italy, and convicted for acts of sabotage against the nuclear industry. In 2002 he was extradited to Switzerland and sentenced to an additional 18 years of prison based on a dubious murder charge (the border copper). Though afterwards, the Swiss Federal Supreme Court declared the sentence inadmissible. In 2007 it was reduced to 8 years. As late as 2018 they must release him. Marco describes himself as a green anarchist. He is a very active and sincere supporter of left and progressive social movements; also, he took part in numerous protests behind bars. 2/3 through his sentence, his parole hearing was refused when normally at 2/3 through a sentence parole hearings are had. You can write an email to the Zurich Office of Corrections and let them know what you think of them: or – there are fax machines too: +41 43 259 84 40 or +41 43 259 84 41


Diego Sebastián Petrissans & Leandro Sebastián Morel. Argentinian anarchists charged with arson attack to a big media company that profits from the oppression of Mapuche indigenous people. Check our blog for more info on their case. Diego Sebastián: CPF Devoto, Modulo 2, Pabellon 5 , Bermudez 2651, Villa Devoto, C.P. 1417, Buenos Aires, Argentina Leandro Sebastián Morel: Prision Regional del Norte U7, Avda Las Heras 1555, CP 3500, Resistencia(Chaco), Argentina.


Braulio Arturo Durán González Braulio Arturo Durán González, Centro de Reinserción Social León, Guanajuato, Carretera Leon-Cueramaro Km 7.5, León Guanajuato, C.p. 36700, Mexico. Braulio Arturo Durán was arrested in September 2010 and is accused of involvement in a series of attacks against banks and other targets. He is awaiting sentencing. Braulio is vegan. Letters to Braulio can also be sent to:

Mario Antonio Lopez Fernández Mario Antonio Lopez Fernández, Reclusorio Preventivo Sur, Classification and Observation Centre, Xochimilco, Mexico City. Or contact email to sent letters: On the evening of Tuesday 26 June 2012, an explosion occured at an automatic payment office of the Federal Electricity Commission in Tlalpan. No one was injured or arrested. Roughly an hour later, at 00:40 am, Wednesday, Mario was reportedly injured after a loud explosion in the street happened. The scene was attended by paramedics that took him to hospital, under the guard of police who regard him as being responsible for both explosions. He has been a prisoner of the state of Mexico since. In a letter, Mario states his position remains the same: “I claim myself absolutely as an Anarchist and the only one responsible for my acts. For now, I’ll limit myself to thanking my comrades of affinity for their solidarity and to “denounce” just a few deeds of many within this deceitful process which all began the moment I claimed myself an Anarchist, of which I do not regret. Never apologetic!” See for solidarity website for Mario