Start Thinking Like A Guy Again To Get Your Girlfriend Back
Try not to be too offended but there's a pretty good chance that you're thinking like a chick when it comes to getting back together with your girlfriend or wife. Are you upset and emotional? Do your moods change from being super positive that you can win her back to being depressed or even crying your eyes out because you miss her so much? Do you feel helpless at times or has the word overwhelmed been uttered from your lips at least once since your breakup? Do you find yourself talking to anyone and everyone about your breakup and you ask for advice from coworkers or friends?
If any of this sounds like you then it's time to lose the skirt, pull up your pants and get back to being a guy. Push that emotional pain aside and start thinking like a guy again if you want to get her back. Women think with their emotions. Guys are logical and we know that no matter what the situation is or what the goal might be, where there's a wil there's a way. There is a solution to every problem and crying about it isn't going to make your ex fall in love with you again.
While all of this might sound a little harsh, you're a guy so it's time that someone gave you some straight advice. Forget about all of that warm, fuzzy relationship advice that you might have gotten from friends, family or even your therapist. If you want to get your girlfriend back you're going to have to start acting, thinking and behaving like a guy. Women, your ex included, like men. They fall in love with men and no matter what any book might tell you about how you need to be in touch with your feelings, women are repelled by overly emotional men who don't have control over their emotions. This is why trying to talk things out and crying and begging and promising to change simply won't make your ex fall in love with you again.
For a woman to fall in love she needs to feel certain emotions. She needs to feel safe and protected. She needs to feel her heart beat faster and she needs to feel the thrill of romance. For a woman to fall in love she needs to be able to feel good, positive emotions when she sees a guy and when she's with him. She needs to feel attraction. Crying and being pathetic and needy simply aren't going to make her feel these emotions. Think of excitement and tension and wanting and you'll be on the right track to winning her back.
First order of business is to get yourself together though. If you have been an emotional mess then it's high time that you got some control over your feelings, emotions and how you act and react to your ex. This might require that you spend some time alone without contacting your ex. This will also help to build the tension as well as undo some of the damage that you have probably done to the relationship as you tried to win her back. It's time to reinvent yourself and become the kind of guy that any woman would die to be with. It's time to fix any problems that might have led to your breakup as well as changing your life for the better. It's time for you to believe in yourself and to start building the life that you dream about. Nobody is going to do this for you and you are doing all of this to become a better man for yourself and your ex.
One day soon you will look back on how you were and you will actually be glad that your ex broke up with you. This breakup gave you the wakeup call to make your life better and enabled you to actually strengthen yourself and your relationship. If you do all of this correctly then you will not only get your girlfriend back but you will cement your place in her life forever. This means that you'll never have to worry about her leaving you ever again. You'll be in control of your life and your relationship and your fears of losing her again will vanish.
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