The Real Reason Why Your Ex Left You

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It might seem like a mystery to you but there is some logic behind why it's so difficult to convince your ex to give you another chance. You might have tried many different methods and tricks to try to get your ex to see you or even talk to you since your breakup but there is a reason why things have gone from bad to worse.

You probably feel that being able to see or talk to your ex is vitally important to your success in getting back together. You might think that there is no hope in ever convincing them to get back together if they won't talk to you or if you never see them. As a result, you have probably been trying all sorts of crazy things to make that connection with them.

You may have tried calling your ex with some lame excuse to contact them. You may have tried going to all the usual places where they go, hoping to bump into them. You may have even tried to spend time with mutual friends while hoping that you would see each other or so you could find out what's going on in your ex's life. Without even knowing it, you have actually been doing all the things that are pushing your ex away and making them want to avoid you even more.

Even if you think that you're hiding your intentions or you deny the real reason why you're trying to contact your ex or run into them, your true intentions will be given away or seen in your body language and your tone of voice. There is no hiding these telltale signs and your true intentions will be known by everyone who sees you or talks to you including your ex. This is why it's important to have the right mindset and attitude before you ever talk to your ex again or see them again.

You need to get your self confidence back and feel in your heart that you can and will get your ex back for all the right reasons. You need to know that you are a worthwhile person with a lot to offer your partner. You are not below them and you don't have to beg or plead to be in a relationship with the person of your dreams. You're fine just the way you are. Both of you are imperfect and everyone has things in their life that need to be changed. This is where love and a caring connection come in. Love means that you accept the other person with all their flaws and both you and your ex do have flaws.

Once you realize and truly feel that your ex really isn't any better than you and that your relationship with them, while still important, isn't life and death, you can relax and be yourself. Once you get your self-confidence back and see that you are worthy of being loved then it's time to get back in touch with your ex. If you push and try to trick your ex into coming back to you then you will only serve to push your ex further away from you. While understanding your ex and knowing how to play off of their emotions is important, trying to convince someone to feel something that they don't feel will end in failure. Get yourself back first and then show your ex what they are missing and you stand a much better chance of winning them back.

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