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Revision as of 01:26, 22 February 2012

This section does not include Contacts of Autonomous Action, and it also does not include Anarchist contacts in Russia and Belarus for projects which have offline existence.

More regularly updated version of the list in Russian language splitted to three sections in our website:

  • Contacts of Autonomous Action
  • This page for other anarchist and related contacts with "offline existence"
  • Links for anarchist and related internet projects and other links.

Check these if you want more up to date information



404team.org - activist tech group n A T 404team.org (also Jabber)

Anarchist songs http://www.a-pesni.golosa.info/

Anarchists of St. Petersburg http://new-novsvet.narod.ru/

Anti-fascist portal of information and analysis http://www.antifa.p0.ru/

Anti-yuppie - news of anti-glamorous culture of Kaliningrad and surrounding region www.anty-yuppi.narod.ru witamin_w38 (a t) rbcmail.ru

Bakunista! website - theory and analysis, anarchist history http://bakunista.nadir.org bakunista (A T) riseup.net

Golosa.info - open publishing website from Tyumen region http://golosa.info, admin A T golosa.info

Good Night White Pride http://goodnightwhitepride.com/

Indymedia Russia, http://ru.indymedia.org/, indyru A T nadir.org

Indymedia Kuban (Krasnodar region and Adygeya) http://kuban.indymedia.ru imckuban A T riseup.net

Indymedia Piter (St.Petersburg), http://piter.indymedia.org/, imc-piter A T riseup.net

Indymedia Siberia, http://imc-siberia.org, info A T imc-siberia.org

Nazi-Watch Russia http://nazi-watch.noblogs.org/

News about squatting and squatter movement http://squat.anho.org/

A website on Nestor Makhno http://www.makhno.ru

A zine archive http://www.diy-zine.com/

Notable blogs



http://anatrrra.livejournal.com - migration, anti-fascism etc.

http://avier38.livejournal.com - anarchism in St.Petersburg

http://copylefter.livejournal.com - copyright, copyleft, creative commons, filesharing...

http://ihavexx.livejournal.com - anarchism and animal rights in St. Petersburg

http://iriele.livejournal.com - ecology and anarchism in Nizhniy Novgorod

http://shraibman.livejournal.com - history of anarchist movement, syndicalism (by MPST member)

http://sindicallisto.livejournal.com - another syndicalist blog by KRAS member

http://streetsmedia.livejournal.com - Squatting, prisoner support...

http://tupikin.livejournal.com - Vlad Tupikin

http://vivalafora.livejournal.com - syndicalism, history of anarchist movement... by KRAS member


Linux Vacation Eastern Europe http://www.lvee.org/

Indymedia - Belarus https://belarus.indymedia.org/

Kairos - libertarian analytic blog http://kairos.noblogs.org/

http://anarchistory.boom.ru/ - history of anarchy in Belarus

http://www.375crew.org/ - d.i.y. political punk / hardcore culture of Belarus

http://naziscum-by.noblogs.org/ - Nazi Watch Belarus

http://mikola_a.livejournal.com - anarcho-communism in Belarus