Andrey Chernov

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Andrey Chernov Birthday 18.03.1989

Chernov Andrey Sergeevich 1989 g.r. FKU IK-5 UFSIN Rossii po Udmurtskoy Respublike 427965 ul. Raskolnikova 53a g. Sarapul, Udmurtskaya Respublika 427965 Russia

Born in the city of Kamenka, Penza region. He studied at the Penza Pedagogical Institute at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics. He is interested in rock music, programming, muay thai. Participated in competitions and won prizes. Vegetarian, took part in the actions “Feed the hungry”. He lived with his twin brother Alexei in a rented apartment in Penza. He worked at the factory as a fitter. Detained in early November 2017 in frames of an investigation of the so-called “Network” case. Charged under Part 2 of Art. 205.4 of the Criminal Code of Russia (Participation in Terrorist Group). Arrested.

You can send him a message online via RosUznik