Jauhen Vas'kovich

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Anarchist Black Cross

Yevgeni Sergeevich Vas'kovich Tyurma 4, ul. Krupskoy 99A 212011 Mogilev Belarus

He was detained on January 17, 2011 on suspicion of the attack on the KGB headquarters in Bobruisk. The attack was launched on October 14, 2010 in solidarity with the anarchists arrested in September 2010. Jauhen was a member of a Belarusian Christian Democracy party and a local Bobruisk cell of the Youth Front nationalist orthodox organisation, he also wrote for the newspaper “Bobruiski courier”. On May 18, 2011 was found guilty of intentional destruction of property and sentenced to 7 years of colony with reinforced regime.

Co-defendants of Jauhen are Artsiom Prakapenka and Pavel Syramolatau.

Note that Belarus is a bilingual country, official and preferred names of most of the arrested are in Belarusian language, thus we list prisoners by their Belarusian names. But as prisoner registry of prisons is organised in Russian language, we list addresses with Russian names.